IMSAN Elektrik Mekanik Müh. İnş. Tar. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
IMSAN was founded in 2008. As our major activity, we provide electrical and mechanical project applications, project design and engineering services. We also carry out construction projects and applications. We have successfully delivered hundreds of projects since 2008. These include; housing projects, educational facilities and schools, business centers, administrative and public buildings, hospitals and health facilities, data centers, industrial facilities and factories, hotels and tourism facilities, shopping malls-showrooms-retail stores.
In all circumstances IMSAN try to complete projects on time and at superior standards. IMSAN with its experienced staff, acts in accordance with engineering ethics and remains loyal to ethical values. It monitors, manages and supervises its construction sites via the corporate ERP portal. It monitors and records work threads and related processes in real time, in a digital environment. It draws conclusions and implements them.
Our Mission
To complete our products, services and projects without compromising engineering ethics; to fulfill our obligations to our customers and the public.
Our Values
- Not to compromise on engineering ethics,
- To prioritize occupational health and safety,
- To comply with legal legislation and regulations,
- To always follow and present up-to-date technology,
- To not compromise on quality due to economic concerns,
- To make human-oriented design and application,
- To be respectful to nature and the environment,
- To prioritize energy efficiency,
- To gain customer trust and ensure its continuity with professional work teams.